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Smart Cities Initiative names the first four participants of the city’s Living Lab.

August 26, 2024

Myrtle Beach recently launched its Smart Cities Initiative and announced the first four participants of the city’s Living Lab. These participants, including Cocoflo Innovations, dependbuild, Rep’d, and Polco, are part of an open and inclusive program, inviting all to participate in the city’s technological evolution. The Living Lab program, a public-private partnership, is a platform that supports emerging technology and encourages entrepreneurs to use Myrtle Beach as their hub.

The Living Lab’s physical space is planned for the Arts and Innovation District, but for now, participants can work remotely or at the HTC Aspire Hub. The city provides space for startups or expanding businesses and tests their products within municipal operations. The companies offer cloud-based city services, resident input collection, risk mitigation, and more, making everyone feel included in this exciting journey.